Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Craft Inspiration Online

There are a few websites I read on a daily basis. Young House Love is one of them. Cherry Menlove is another. Cherry Menlove was one of the first blogs I started to read back in 2007 when I was searching the web for ideas on how to decorate my giant notice board. I absolutely adored it. I've seen it grow from a little blog into a beautiful website and for the past year it's been the first thing I look at as soon as I get on my lunch break.

I found Young House Love whilst reading another blog. There was a link to a corkboard vase tutorial and as soon as I clicked it I knew it was going to be a blog I'd read very frequently. I love it even more now that they've moved house again, and before their latest move I found myself going right back to the beginning of the blog to see their first home transform.

That's the thing I love about blogs like that. The way the reader becomes hooked on the writers. They become people you feel as though you've known your whole life, and you trust what they tell you. I love that.

But even though I have my must-read blogs, I have other blogs that I have on my Google Reader that I flick to every now and again. Remodelaholic is definitely one of my favourites. From seeing crafts and renovations that seem so impressive that I wouldn't even attempt, to projects that impress me so much they make me want to have a go myself.

And that is exactly what prompted this blog today. I have just seen a desk that absolutely took my breath away... I need to have one in my life.

It's beautiful. It's imaginative. It's personal. It transforms a hideous piece of furniture into something gorgeous and it just the type of thing that people need to be doing. Down with the terrible cheap flat-pack pieces of furniture that appear in almost every single home. All it costs is time and effort to have something original and guaranteed to impress.

Unfortuantely I do not have the room to add something like this into my flat.. but I very well might do it on a smaller scale... (Sorry Matt).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for linking my project in your blog post! I swear I walk in my daughter's room each morning to tidy up after she goes to school and my heart still does flips when I look at this desk.

    Thank you again for your lovely words.

    Deanna Jane Cullen


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